Resources - Bullhorn AU Applicant Tracking & Recruiting Software Thu, 29 Feb 2024 18:11:32 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Resources - Bullhorn AU 32 32 The 2024 Recruitment Industry Trends Report Thu, 29 Feb 2024 18:11:32 +0000 The smarter way to win new business Tue, 09 Jan 2024 20:20:31 +0000 Prepare your business for AI adoption Tue, 14 Nov 2023 12:00:39 +0000

AI isn’t just a buzzword in recruitment anymore

It’s already starting to transform traditional recruitment processes and helping agencies achieve new levels of efficiency.

A recent survey of Bullhorn customers revealed that 63% have started using generative AI, and 54% plan to roll out new AI-driven solutions within a year. If you’re not already using AI during the hiring process, now is the time to prepare your business. AI can streamline your processes, increase team productivity, and help you realise more value from your database.

To fully reap the benefits of AI, businesses shouldn’t just give their teams access to it and hope for the best. Instead, recruitment agencies must prepare their systems, teams, and strategies to ensure strong adoption of AI and lasting success. That may seem like a big hill to climb, but don’t worry; we’ve summarised everything you need to know to successfully implement AI within your recruitment agency so you can spend less time troubleshooting and more time transforming.


To make the most of AI, everyone at a recruitment agency should understand what AI is and how it can impact the hiring process.

Use these FAQs to get started!

What is AI? How does AI relate to automation?

While automation focuses on completing repetitive tasks without human intervention, AI takes automation to the next level.

AI leverages intelligent algorithms to make data-driven decisions. It can analyse data, identify patterns, and make predictions or recommendations based on that analysis.

Combining the power of automation and AI enables recruitment agencies to optimise their operations, improve the candidate and client experience, and drive business growth.

What are the types of recruitment AI?

From crafting outreach to identifying key opportunities, recruitment agencies can apply AI across the talent lifecycle.

To keep things simple, we’ve broken down recruitment AI into three categories:

  • Generative AI enables the creation of customised content and communications, optimising engagement with candidates and clients.
  • Sourcing AI facilitates efficient talent acquisition by identifying suitable candidates from your existing database and external job boards.
  • Directive AI helps recruiters focus on what matters by suggesting action items, flagging at-risk opportunities, and summarising interactions.

What are the benefits of AI?

AI can help recruitment agencies in a number of ways, including:

  • Increased efficiency: Automate tasks such as resume screening, candidate outreach, and scheduling interviews to free up recruiters to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Improved decision-making: Analyse large amounts of data to identify patterns and trends that would otherwise be difficult to see. This can help recruitment agencies make smarter decisions about submissions, business development, and more.
  • Personalised experiences: Personalise the candidate and client experience by generating targeted outreach messages, recommending jobs that are a good fit for candidates, and creating client-specific communications.

The path to AI adoption success

To prepare your business for successful AI implementation and adoption, follow this path to success:

1. Centralise and standardise your data

AI requires a large volume of clean data to operate effectively.

Recruitment agencies should invest in a cloud-based ATS/CRM that acts as the single source of truth for the entire business, from front-office candidate information to back-office data.

Once that’s in place, building an integrated tech stack to connect each tool will ensure important data doesn’t fall through the cracks, helping teams provide a superior candidate and client experience.

Prioritising the digitisation of your candidate and client information and establishing a centralised data repository are critical initial steps for harnessing the full potential of AI.

Ready to digitise your data and centralise your systems? Here’s how to make it happen:
Develop your data collection and hygiene strategies
Build out your workflows with data in mind

2. Unleash automation

You can have automation without AI, but you can’t have AI without automation.

Automation is crucial to AI because it allows AI systems to perform tasks at scale that would otherwise be difficult and time-consuming for humans to do. For example, AI systems can use automation to analyse large amounts of candidate profiles or analyse years of submission data in seconds.

Leverage automation to kickstart your data hygiene strategy so AI can unlock more value from your database when it’s implemented. Start by identifying missing information, like email addresses or phone numbers.

Once you have clean data, let automation optimise and standardise your processes even further so AI can have a greater impact over time.

3. Set up policies for security, compliance, and regulations

AI adoption must be done responsibly, taking into account all applicable security, compliance, and regulations.

Establishing robust policies ensures that AI is used responsibly and ethically, safeguarding the interests of both clients and candidates.

Before adding AI to your team’s toolkit, establish policies that govern the use of AI within your organisation and ensure that your internal teams adhere to these policies, whether that’s guidance on handling sensitive information or limiting which tools employees have access to.

Just like privacy policies and terms of use, AI policies are crucial for maintaining trust with your employees, clients, and candidates.

Looking for more guidance on the ethical and legal implications to think about when implementing AI? Here are some key items to consider.

4. Choose the right partners

When adopting AI, it is essential to partner with companies that understand the unique challenges and opportunities AI brings to the recruitment industry.

Look for AI technology providers that prioritise compliance and data integrity while also monitoring and adhering to global, national, and regional AI regulations.

Remember, adopting AI is not just about using the newest piece of technology; it’s about solving critical problems and driving growth in your business.

5. Start testing

Get ready, get set, test!

Start experimenting with free generative AI tools. Play around, try different things, and share your learnings with your team. Practice using different kinds of prompts to achieve the desired results – small tweaks in how you design your prompts can make a big difference to the outcome!

This hands-on approach will help you understand the capabilities and limitations of AI, paving the way for successful (and lasting) adoption. From there, your team can explore more extensive ways to bring AI into the recruitment process, helping speed up routine tasks that are being done manually each day.

How recruitment agencies are leveraging AI right now

Once you’ve laid the foundation and formulated your implementation plan, it’s time to start using AI to transform the hiring process.

Our recent AI survey revealed that 52% of Bullhorn customers are using AI to upgrade their internal systems and become faster and more efficient.

Another 38% are using AI to optimise and improve the candidate experience.

What does this look like in practice? Here’s how recruitment agencies are using AI right now:

Streamline the process of crafting personalised and impactful communication with potential candidates, optimising engagement and fostering lasting relationships.

Leverage AI-driven summarisation tools to facilitate efficient data processing, enabling recruiters to quickly and accurately evaluate candidate profiles.

Deliver tailored and insightful communications to clients with the help of AI, fostering a heightened level of engagement and satisfaction.

Facilitate seamless candidate-job matching by ensuring strong alignment between candidate skill sets and client requirements, thus expediting the hiring process.

Speed up the resume formatting process to enhance the presentation of candidate profiles and maximise the potential of each candidate.

The future of recruitment AI

Preparing your business for AI adoption is a strategic move that can revolutionise your operations and drive growth.

By understanding the basics of AI, leveraging the right AI technologies, and following a systematic approach, you can unlock the full potential of AI in your recruitment agency.

If you haven’t started to explore AI tools yet, don’t panic! Using AI during the recruitment process will soon become table stakes, so now is the time to prepare your team and Bullhorn is here to help.

Bullhorn Copilot is a suite of AI recruiter capabilities in development at Bullhorn, designed to embed the power of artificial intelligence (AI) directly into recruiter workflows across the recruitment process.

With a focus on elevating the work of recruiters, Copilot will help cut down time spent on manual tasks, empower your team to work at a higher level regardless of their experience, and free up time for them to focus on relationship-building.

Learn more about the future of recruitment AI

GRID 2023 Talent Trends Report Wed, 08 Nov 2023 22:17:35 +0000 The 2023 Industry Trends Report Thu, 16 Mar 2023 13:52:01 +0000 Recruiting Automation Workbook Thu, 05 Jan 2023 17:46:42 +0000 GRID Talent Trends Report Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:09:16 +0000 GRID 2022 Trends Report Thu, 03 Mar 2022 13:27:18 +0000 Automation Experts Wed, 08 Sep 2021 23:29:45 +0000
Chelsi Clifton Circle-Cropped

Tribe: Innovating with Automation to Increase Efficiencies

“Quite simply, it is hard to imagine life without Bullhorn Automation! There is no doubt Bullhorn Automation has increased our overall efficiency and has also positively impacted our candidate and client experience”  


Chelsi Clifton, Head of Knowledge & Research, Tribe

The Business Problem

Tribe experienced huge growth over a short space of time and a rapid increase in headcount. This resulted in inconsistency around process and expected service levels not always being met. Their processes were very admin heavy. So they were exposed to more human error as each action required was time consuming for consultants.

The Digitisation Solution

Tribe have been using Bullhorn Automation for the last 12 months and have completed almost 840,000 automated actions. Chelsi stated that Bullhorn Automation was intuitive and its email builder templates, internal notifications and its survey functionality drew them to purchase and love the system.

The Benefits

With Bullhorn Automation, Tribe’s workflows are more streamlined and user friendly. They have achieved consistency across all consultants in their workflow, resulting in a more positive candidate experience. There has been a visible increase in candidate engagement via automated candidate check-in surveys. Candidates can fill their own data back into the database using the surveys, keeping Tribe’s records dynamic and up to date.

What Is Recruitment Automation?

Recruitment automation enables you to streamline repetitive workflows, processes, and communication throughout the entire recruiting cycle to ultimately improve bottom-line and top-line growth.

With recruitment automation, your team can:

  • Reduce Busywork
  • Improve Data Accuracy
  • Engage Your Audiences
Grant Beggs Circle-Cropped

Prestige Staffing: Increasing Candidate Engagement and Visibility

“With our previous system we would average an email open rate of 20-30%, with click through rates at 10%. With Bullhorn Automation we are averaging 58% open rates and 20% click through rate!”  


Grant Beggs, Managing Director, Prestige Staffing

The Business Problem

One of the major challenges for Prestige Staffing was data quality in their database. They were missing people in their searches, they thought were inactive, but in fact may have been active candidates in the market. “Poor data, resulted in poor searchability” Grant explained, “we couldn’t find the right candidates at the right time”.

The Digitisation Solution

Grant has always been a fan of technology, especially of automation and Bullhorn products. The initial reason for taking on Bullhorn Automation was that it offered the most robust recruitment automation solution on the market including marketing and data hygiene.

The Benefits

Prestige Staffing instantly saw an increase in engagement with their outbound marketing. They now have excellent visibility over who is searching for jobs, who’s going on their website and what these candidates are doing on their site. Grant feels that the more they use Bullhorn Automation to help them be really specific in searching and targeting, “it’ll really shorten our lead time to find suitable candidates and should really improve candidate acquisition and placement times”.

5 Easy Recruitment Automation Wins

Here are 5 common processes recruitment agencies automate to improve efficiency and
the candidate and client experience. Master these to start becoming a recruitment
automation expert:

  • Capture NPS
  • Interview Reminders
  • Data Cleanup
  • VMS Matching
  • Pre-screening Candidates
Nicole Hart Circle-Cropped

Fuse Recruitment: Automating Candidate Communication

“Being able to automate as much as they have, our consultants have more time on their hands. It also means each candidate gets the same experience.” 

Nicole Hart, Marketing Manager, Fuse Recruitment

The Business Problem

Fuse had a clear vision of the journey their candidates should have when engaging with their brand but their existing systems held them back on implementing that plan. Nicole searched for a recruitment automation tool that “left no room for human error” and could provide the consistency and visibility it needed over when and where its clients and candidates were engaging with the brand.

The Digitisation Solution

Bullhorn Automation has allowed Fuse to automate and remove previously time-consuming manual tasks from their consultants to-do lists, giving them time back to concentrate on more meaningful tasks like building and maintaining client and candidate relationships.

For Nicole on the marketing front, “it’s been a life-changer”. Now with Bullhorn Automation, the process of keeping data updated is automated and segmenting based on criteria like industry category is seamless.

The Benefits

Since implementing Bullhorn Automation, the Fuse team have saved an average of 822 hours per week.

Fuse now have full control over the candidate and client journey.  They have had better communication with their candidates. Through automated surveys sent to candidates, they are able to capture essential information such as skills and job categories that are searchable by their consultants for better matching results

Do you want to become an Automation Expert?

Learn how much you can save today with our ROI Calculator

Mike Adam Circle-Cropped v2

Triple0 Medical Recruitment: Reducing Manual Work and Driving Efficiency

“Bullhorn Automation has enabled us to free up a lot of time while actually allowing us to achieve more.”

Mike Adam, Managing Director, Triple0 Medical Recruitment

The Business Problem

Operating in medical recruitment, Triple0 has to ensure all candidate credentials, certificates, health checks and more are compliant before starting their assignments. The search began for a platform that would remove the administrative burden from Triple0’s team allowing them to focus on solving client problems and providing the best experience for candidates.

The Digitisation Solution

Using Bullhorn Automation, Triple0 has set automations to update candidate records with relevant information so they know their database is housing clean data, ready for their team to use. The Triple0 team has found Bullhorn Automation simple to use and extremely customisable. Mike said, “In the last 90 days, we’ve done 58 000 automations, saving us 1939 hours.”

The Benefits

Triple0 has been able to automate many internal processes, enabling their teams to focus on adding value back to their clients and candidates. They have been able to grow the team and now have more recruiters providing added value to clients and candidates, while Bullhorn Automation automates the mundane tasks for them.

Schedule a Demo of Bullhorn Automation today

Speak to our team to see how recruitment automation can transform your business

Applicant Tracking System Buyer’s Guide Wed, 08 Sep 2021 21:41:24 +0000


Get familiar with the what, how, and why of applicant tracking systems

What is an ATS?

An applicant tracking system automates an agency’s recruiting operations and provides a central repository for candidate data—including resumés and applications.

They’re built to help you:

  • Manage every stage in the recruiting process, from application to hire
  • Manage candidate relationships
  • Reduce manual activities

Why do you need an ATS?

A good ATS has the power to turn your entire recruitment operation into the most productive, profitable, and efficient business it can be.

The best applicant tracking systems:

  • Increase your recruiters’ productivity
  • Save time and resources
  • Provide organisation and structure for your business

ATS Benefits: By the Numbers

Agencies that use an ATS report:

  • 75% less wasted time
  • 70% faster report creation
  • 15% less time to fill
  • 10% more placements per month

Map Out Your Requirements

Follow these 5 steps to determine what you need in an ATS

Review your recruiting process.

Document the steps in your recruiting workflow, making note of the activities a recruiter must do to perform their job effectively. Record any third-party tools (like job boards or social media) your recruiters use in the course of making a placement.

Use this process to understand where your business excels and where an ATS can help you improve.

Determine what your current solution lacks.

What are your biggest pain points? What is costing you business or productivity? Where do your recruiters spend the most time? Are they doing too much manual work?

Make a list of the functions and features that will provide the most value to your business.

Make a wishlist.

What would your perfect ATS look like? What qualities of an ATS are most important to you? Which features are must-haves and which ones are just nice-to-haves?

Share your wishlist with prospective providers so they can address your specific needs.

Calculate your budget.

Create a budget for your ATS investment. Consider upfront setup fees and ongoing usage fees. Determine any additional budget you may need for additional integrations once you’ve implemented your ATS.

Use this budget to inform your ATS selection process. Ask providers upfront about any additional implementation or setup fees you may need to plan for.

Establish your time frame

Determine when you need your new ATS to be fully functional by. Ask your providers how long implementation and training will take. Ask each provider about their onboarding resources. Do they offer training and support to get you started as soon as possible?

Create a timeline and schedule demos and follow-ups accordingly.

Do Your Research

Investigate what different providers offer and schedule demos with your top choices

Read about top ATS features to see which are most important for your business.

Top 5 Features

Narrow down your list of options to a shortlist of your top choices.

Have at least one of your recruiters join each demo to get input from someone who will use the system every day.

Use software review sites to find the ATS that matches your needs.

Top Peer Review Sites

Learn more about these solutions by scheduling demos and discover which will best meet your needs.

After the demos, ask any additional questions you may have on key items, such as implementation, pricing, training, and onboarding your team.

Find Peer Reviews and Third-Party Advice

G2 Crowd features reviews for 300 applicant tracking systems—more than 10,000 authentic user reviews in total.

You can sort for recruiting software solutions by popularity, user satisfaction, and G2 Score—a combination of reviews and data aggregated from online sources and social networks.

Visit G2 Crowd

Capterra curates vetted reviews from real users. Capterra ranks ATS solutions by popularity, user-friendliness, and average rating.

You can also filter by features, such as onboarding, candidate tracking, and workflow management in order to find the software that meets your agency’s specific needs.

Visit Capterra

5 Most Commonly Used ATS Features

The most important features, according to ATS users


Every interaction you have with a candidate counts, so everything should be in your ATS.

Add notes on a candidate record after an initial conversation or second interview to stay organised and keep your team up-to-date on the status of your candidates.


Use tearsheets to organise your records into intuitive categories, such as “Top Sales Candidates” or “Machinists—Ready to Go”.

Now when you have a job to fill, you can take action immediately.

Submission Lists

Submission lists provide your team with visibility into your submissions and open jobs.

Filter the list to quickly see relevant information like candidate status and job status.

Email Integration

With an email inbox gadget, you can see all the relevant information about your candidate in one place.

Add notes, parse CVs, or attach files without leaving your inbox.

Favourite Searches

You’ll get familiar with the search function for any recruiting software you use, but you shouldn’t have to re-create your searches every time.

This feature prevents you from having to construct a new search every time you need to find out certain information.

5 Questions to Ask ATS Providers

What to ask before you select software for your business and why to ask it

1.) Is your ATS built specifically for recruitment agencies?

Why ask it?

Recruiters have unique demands. Solutions that aren’t built with recruitment industry recruiters in mind may lack core functionalities.


2.) Do you have an open ecosystem for partners and integrations?

Why ask it?

An ATS is not an island. If your ATS integrates with every tool you use, you’ll be more productive and effective.


3.) Is your ATS mobile-friendly? Do you have a native mobile app?

Why ask it?

Recruiters like to work on-the-go. A native mobile app lets them be productive wherever they are.


4.) Can you share case studies from successful customers?

Why ask it?

Case studies allow you to see if agencies with similar use-cases were able to be successful with your ATS.


5.) How long does it take to get recruiters up-to-speed?

Why ask it?

To get value out of your ATS, your recruiters need to know how to use it. Find out how long it takes to onboard your team and learn what training resources are available.



Further Learning

Learn more about what to look for in an ATS with these additional resources

Invest Now, Save Later: Why a “Free ATS” Isn’t Always Free

Read More

3 Essential Qualities of a Great ATS System

Read More

How to Get the Most Out of Your Applicant Tracking System

Read More

ATS: Your Secret Weapon for Employee Onboarding

Read More

50+ Questions to Ask
Your ATS Provider

Read More

How Bullhorn's ATS Can Help You Be Successful

Increase Recruiter Productivity

Streamline daily tasks with faster source, search, and match

Improve the Candidate Experience

Leverage relationship insights to deliver a superior candidate experience

Make Better Business Decisions

Run your business by the numbers using recruitment-specific, actionable reports

Take Advantage of the Powerful Bullhorn Ecosystem

Reach and Engage Candidates

JXT is a leading provider of SaaS-based digital marketing technology to the recruitment industry. JXT have developed a number of exclusive integrations with Bullhorn, allowing you to utilise the power of an integrated website and CRM to generate more candidates.

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Recruiter Insider combine technology & unique data sets to drive recruitment effectiveness, identify skills development for individual consultants and improve the candidate & client experience. Analyse and understand a wide range of data metrics, provided by candidates and clients to know exactly where you stand.

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Volcanic is a leading global provider of recruitment websites and job boards. The Volcanic SaaS model provides an easy-to-buy, risk-free, GDPR-compliant web platform, with 30-day contracts guaranteeing no tie-ins, no upfront investment and a simple monthly fee.

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Increase Productivity and Visibility

Astute Payroll is an award-winning software platform, providing a simple workforce management solution. Clients will benefit from their strong focus on automation and streamlined processes. It’s customisable and user friendly, with its integration with Bullhorn seamlessly connecting your data.

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WorkPro is a powerful online platform that simplifies screening, onboarding and workforce compliance for employers. The all-in-one solution is relevant for any employer who wants to streamline their HR compliance and spend more time focusing on their people, instead of paperwork and manual processes.

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Schedule a Demo

“We can’t imagine running our business without Bullhorn. We’ve seen our time-to-fill rate drop by over 40% since implementation.”

Mark Eldridge  
ALKU Founder